May 16, 2009


This blog has everything to do with halves. How, you may wonder?

Well firstly, Parker and I have been in a relationship for half a year (so happy)! These last six months have been just wonderful- he is wonderful. He balances, challenges, encourages, and takes care of me in the most amazing ways. He cheers me up when I'm sad, and is patient with me when I'm being testy. I love seeing all the cool little ways we're starting to fit together- like when we were at B. Dalton yesterday and Parker says, "I'm getting you a present, so don't look at the books I'm carrying 'cause I don't want you to see!" We continue browsing through the store, and while he's at the cashier paying for the books I see one that catches my interest. I hold it up and say, "Hey, did you see this? This is so cool!" And...that's the book he got me! I love it! I love it when we're in the grocery store, or Wal-Mart, or anywhere really and he'll just start dancing with me. I love when he takes the long way driving to a restaurant so we'll have more time together. There's so many things! God has just blessed me with such a caring friend (and boyfriend) in Parker.

Next, Sunday is my half-birthday! So only six months until my birthday (I do love that glorious day...)! I should be one of those people who celebrates their half-birthday, or maybe just once, to see what it's like to have a birthday in the sunny first half of the year.

Sadly, I had a fantastic job for half a month. This makes me oh-so-sad, since I genuinely loved the job and the kids I was working with. It turns out that they need people who can be entirely flexible in their availability and lived in Santa Barbara and that just couldn't be me, since I was attached to the bus schedule and live in Santa Maria.

Last but not in the least bit insignificant, while riding a bike, I got hit by a car...halfway to Ashley and Jason's house! So, my family has been gone on vacation this week (I didn't go because supposedly I had work!) and I've been at home with no car. I was planning to go to Ashley's house but didn't want to walk, so I decided to ride one of Ernie's bikes (bad idea- I won't do that again...actually, probably never ride a bike again...) Simple enough, right? Well, everything was going great- I'm pedaling along, enjoying the beautiful day, when BAM! I feel getting hit from behind and next thing I know I'm lying on the ground looking at the sky. I don't remember falling. A little dazed and confused, I sit up and realize that no one had bothered to stop! I had been laying there for at least five to ten minutes- what, did people driving by think I was taking a nap? I call Parker and tell him what happened, and he immediately drives to pick me up and take me to Urgent Care. Those people are very leisurely until you tell them you were hit by a car...anyway, I got a CAT scan and basically a drunk test (with Parker chuckling behind the doctor), meanwhile being asked almost a hundred times if there was any possibility I could be preggo...oy vay. I walked out with the comfort of knowing I had a mild concussion and the sadness of not knowing the license plate of the car who hit me. If I had known, I would've probably been able to pay for college...



Morgan Jane said...

YOU GOT HIT BY A CAR?!?!?! Oh my goodness, that's insane. I'm just glad you're okay. Seriously, do people not care anymore? Oy. I promise, if I had seen you lying on the side of the road I would've stopped to help.

As for your six month momth-iversary, congrats! I'm glad that you're such a good match. :)

Brittany Mae said...

I can't believe it's already been 6 months! Goodness how time flies! And you were hit by a car? OH MY GOODNESS!