October 21, 2009

Chiclets and Chick Lit.

Did you know that Chiclets are selling for between ten and twenty dollars on Amazon? Just for gum! It's silliness, really- the point is, lately I've been having this major sweet tooth for things that aren't readily available. Like Chiclets and germknodel (Edelweiss, Edelweiss, I will love you forever)...and krapfen (shown below)- three cheers for Bavaria! Y-u-m.
What better to do with a delicious pastry then to enjoy it with the company of my latest literary finds? (Imaginary krapfen in hand, book in the other...) Yesterday, I raided the Santa Maria Library of any interesting chick lit. I could find. Sadly, there wasn't much- but I hunted, I searched, and I triumphed with a stack of books in my arms as I carefully made my way back to the car. Now, I will shamelessly admit that I only picked these books based on their covers (gasp), but so far I am not disappointed.



Unknown said...

What books did you choose?

Brittany Mae said...

I'm with Tanya, what'd ya pick?! Book covers are important :)

Morgan Jane said...

I always judge books by their covers, bad habit I suppose. And I have some majorily good chick lit for you...oh just you wait...