October 25, 2011

32 Weeks

Today my grandparents started their journey back to Tennessee after visiting with us for almost the whole month of October! It was pretty great having them so close-by, enjoying meals together, and having good talks with Grandma in person instead of over the phone like we usually do! It was also a lot of fun being able to have them over to our house to see all the baby things we've accumulated over the last few weeks- Grandma and I had fun sorting, washing, and folding all of the baby's little clothes (how long does it stay fun is what I'd like to know)! Anyway, they'll be back the first week in December in anticipation of the arrival of Miles.

I would say we're at the point now that we've got all the baby gear for Miles that he's going to need. Although, I'm pretty sure he'd be kosher with just a warm blanket, diapers, and me. My friend Marissa is letting us borrow quite a few things, and that was such nice surprise and a weight off knowing I didn't have to worry about buying those anymore. The nursery is finished and Milo's dresser is stocked with little diapers (I bought Nature Babycare diapers on Amazon for an even better price than Costco!), bibs, clothes, swaddling blankets...I just can't wait until he's here!

The highlight of my week was probably the delivery of The Stroller. Since I began working as a nanny, I've taken notes on which items I didn't care for and which ones I absolutely loved- the UPPAbaby Vista was without a doubt my dream "big ticket" item. We were able to get it on sale for almost half off and when it arrived on our porch, it felt like Christmas to me! I can't wait to take Miles out and about, and Parker is already planning the baby's first Disneyland trip in April.

This week I've been feeling pretty good other than having a hard time getting comfortable for sleep, but I figure that's part of the whole pregnancy deal and it's not too bad. I've started an iron supplement this week after Dr. K called me to let me know that I was severely anemic, and thankfully our local health food store had a whole food supplement that's been easy to deal with!

All in all, it's been a good week, the weather finally feels like fall, and I'm just looking forward more and more to meeting this little boy. I'm pretty sure the next month is going to fly by!

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October 18, 2011

31 Weeks

Third Trimester Love- Reese's Cheesecake
Yikes, I'm getting tardy on these weekly posts- part of the joy of having family in town! The good news is since I'm a few days late, I can catch up on important things that technically happened after I reached 31 weeks.

I had my doctor's appointment on Monday, and was happy to find out that I don't have cholestasis. This was a big relief (although it doesn't explain why I've been so itchy)! We also discussed the fact that Miles is still breech- Dr. K said that we won't start worrying about it until I hit 34 weeks or so. The doc also gave me a stern face for putting off having my two-hour glucose screening done to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes (I went in bright and early at 6:30 this morning to have it done, and I passed! Celebration via cheesecake to happen shortly). All in all it was a great appointment, and I've graduated to appointments every two weeks until the end of November. It's all going so fast!
Me after too much Third Trimester Love

We've got almost everything we need for the baby and I've started making a list of things that needs to go in the hospital bag. I know I'm being a paranoid first-time mom, but I don't want to forget anything.

I will upload a photo of the belly soon, I promise!

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October 12, 2011

30 Weeks

Oops! I got so wrapped up with having my family in town and being so excited for my baby shower that I forgot to post last Friday. Well, here are two pictures to make up for that. The first one is a collage of photos from Milo's 3D/4D ultrasound at right after 30 weeks- we got to take family from both Parker's and my side to get a sneak peek of our little (or maybe not so little) baby. Right now he is still breech, folded in half with his legs and feet up by his face. This made it tricky for the ultrasound technician to get a good shot of his face, but in the last five minutes or so of our session, she was able to get some amazing pictures!

The second photo is of me at my baby shower. My friends Becky, Morgan, and Janelle hosted this amazing circus-themed party to celebrate Miles and, can I just say, they are crazy talented! There was a candy bar with lots of yummy treats, popcorn, lemonade, and crazy games (normally I'm not a game-lover, but these were fun and had me giggling the whole time). I was so happy to have family and friends under one roof, laughing and having a good time.

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