October 18, 2011

31 Weeks

Third Trimester Love- Reese's Cheesecake
Yikes, I'm getting tardy on these weekly posts- part of the joy of having family in town! The good news is since I'm a few days late, I can catch up on important things that technically happened after I reached 31 weeks.

I had my doctor's appointment on Monday, and was happy to find out that I don't have cholestasis. This was a big relief (although it doesn't explain why I've been so itchy)! We also discussed the fact that Miles is still breech- Dr. K said that we won't start worrying about it until I hit 34 weeks or so. The doc also gave me a stern face for putting off having my two-hour glucose screening done to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes (I went in bright and early at 6:30 this morning to have it done, and I passed! Celebration via cheesecake to happen shortly). All in all it was a great appointment, and I've graduated to appointments every two weeks until the end of November. It's all going so fast!
Me after too much Third Trimester Love

We've got almost everything we need for the baby and I've started making a list of things that needs to go in the hospital bag. I know I'm being a paranoid first-time mom, but I don't want to forget anything.

I will upload a photo of the belly soon, I promise!

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