June 10, 2012

Our Week (In a Nutshell)

My family is cuh-razy. Laugh so hard your stomach hurts, shake your head in amazement that you're related crazy. This week I've spent a lot of time with my sisters, brother, and mom and, I have to say, I love those weirdos! What else has been going on? Miles has been his regular happy self- perfecting his roll, bouncing in his Johnny Jump-Up (he loves that thing), and working on sitting up by himself. I just can't get over his cuteness.
My mom, brother, sisters, and I love Del Taco.
So healthy, I know.

Motherhood confession of the week: If you've seen my last few posts, I've been blogging about our transition into cloth diapers. One of my least favorite (although not as terrible as I'd originally imagined) aspects is dealing with poop. I didn't realize how much I wanted to avoid cleaning them until, when I noticed Miles making that certain face, I would rush him into the bathroom, unsnap the diaper, and hold him over the potty so he could do his business. The whole time he just stared at me, blinking, as I looked up at the ceiling (to give him some privacy, of course). Yes, I did. And yes, it worked! So awesome.

This week was a lot of just lounging around the house, snuggles, and just preparing myself mentally for the busy summer session of classwork that's starting up soon. I'm looking forward to the challenge of balancing work and life as I pursue this dream of mine! I'm so thankful for my husband who supports my goals.

Tomorrow we have a doctor's appointment for Miles to check his weight. I think he's right around fourteen pounds now, which may still be a little low for five months, but is a three-pound weight gain from a month ago when we started supplementing with formula. (Although I've been taking the teas and herbal supplements- following my LC's instructions to the letter- my supply is still decreasing and now nursing is mostly as a comfort and not his main source of nutrition. At times I find it sad, but I am so thankful that we are able to nourish him with formula and still have our bonding time.) Also, tomorrow will be Miles's first time at the beach! I can't wait to introduce him to the ocean. 

1. Roscoe, my sweet baby pup.
2. Snuggles before bed.
3. Gus doesn't like having his photo taken.
4. Doesn't he look so grown up in his Johnny Jump-Up?
5. My happy boy.
6. Monkeying around with Grandma.
7. You may have an online shopping problem if Gilt Groupe sends you a free onesie.
8. All smiles.
9. Mastering the roll.

I hope you all have a great week!
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1 comment:

AndreaGiorgi said...

I had the same exact milk suppy issues with my first two so I know what you are going through :( I kept nursing Ella until she was around 14 months even though she really wasn't getting anything but was so discouraged with Micah that when the Dr. Told me I needed to supplement I just quit nursing altogether at 6 months and then suffered horrible mommy guilt everytime I had to give him formula! I decided to give the placenta encapsulation a try with Rilynn and It really worked! I know it's not for everyone but I was willing to give it a shot. It could very well be a placebo effect too but I was happy that I finally kept my supply past 3 months!