July 3, 2012

DIY Romance: Driveway Dates

Once Miles is tucked in bed for the night, one of my favorite things to do is turn off all the technology and head outside with Parker to sit on the driveway and talk while we enjoy the nice evening weather. We usually take drinks with us- or a blanket if it's a little chilly- and reconnect, just the two of us. It's a great idea when you are on a budget, don't have a babysitter, or just want to get out into the fresh air- if you don't have a driveway, use a balcony! It really is refreshing and the little amount of effort it takes is definitely worthwhile.

The Driveway Date

You'll need: a blanket, your beverage of choice, and your significant other
Make it fancy: add a small candle, and maybe a bit of dessert
Directions: park it on the driveway and enjoy!

Let me know if you try this- I'd love to hear!


Riding the Crazy Train: Diary of a Delirious Mom said...

I absolutely LOVE this idea! My husband and I do a similar thing on our deck and it is some of the best time we spend together.

Unknown said...

This is a wonderful idea. We don't have kids yet but that doesn't matter! It's great! Thanks for sharing this!!!

your newest follower...Danielle

lisacng said...

What a simple and romantic way to reconnect. I confess that my husband and I don't even really talk anymore. Don't know if he'd be up for such an idea exactly, but something similar is a great idea! You two are too cute!

Whitney @ The Sweetest Things said...

This is so great! Makes me wish we had a driveway to lay on when the kids go to bed :)


Bridget7575 said...

Great idea! My husband and I do this often. Except lately it's been 100 degrees here so we don't get to enjoy the outdoors as much! :) Have a great 4th of July!